Our Regional Coordinators
Seven (7) regional coordinators provide assistance to The Center in meeting the needs of their communities throughout the state. The organizations serving as regional coordinators provides oversight for planning, implementation and evaluation of the evidence- based programs under grant funding for the regional collaborative and helps to ensure the systematic and coordinated delivery of programs. Each region hosts regular coalition meetings where community organizations can gather to share best practices and coordinate services. To learn more about the collaborative in your region, please contact one of our coordinators:
- Western Region: Franklin County Home Care Corporation, Lesley Kayan, [email protected]
- Central Region: Elder Services of Worcester Area, Laurie Murphy, [email protected]
- Metrowest Region: BayPath Elder Services, Inc.
- Northeast Region: Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley, Inc., Susan Poludniak, [email protected]
- Boston Region: ETHOS, Sonja Dahlberg, [email protected]
- Southeast Region: Old Colony Elder Services, Brenda Carrens, [email protected]
- Cape and the Island Region: Cape Cod Coalition, Mary Devlin, [email protected]