10/10/20135:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Newton Senior Center345 Walnut Street
Newtonville, MA 02460

Learn, have fun, and improve your health at the same time. This program is for seniors who want to learn more about how nutrition and lifestyle changes can
promote better health. The USDA’s MyPlate is used as a framework and classes provide recommendations for combining good nutrition with physical activity.
We cover healthy choices in each of the food groups, appropriate portion sizes, and how to read nutrition labels. The class includes a field trip to a grocery store and concludes with the class working together to plan, cook, and enjoy a healthy meal together. Each participant will receive a participant manual and your own individualized MyPlate healthy eating plan. This program is brought to you by Springwell and is funded in part by a grant from the Tufts Health Plan Foundation and the MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs.
The program meets once a week for 2.5 hours for six weeks. Space is limited and registration required. Please contact Amanda Aprea for more information or to register.
P). 617 -363-8702
E). AmandaAprea@hsl
Registrations are closed for this event.